How to increase CPC ?
If you are a bloggerer like me than you must have been sad due to less earning.The main reason for this is due to low CPC.So today in this post i will teach you how to increase CPC in your blog.So let's start initially with what CPC is?
CPC stands for cost per click.It is the cost or amount that adsense pay you on one click .SO as you have understood what adsense is let's go on our topic how to increase CPC in adsense.
The first one is content you must write the content in simple language which is understood and preferred by the customer's.And what are costumer searching on the internet.Hence content directly affects your CPC.
In upperpart of adsense you can see the option allow and block ads so the thing you must do is go to there and you can find the cpc on each of your ad being shown in your blog so you can block the ads which are giving you very less cpc.And block the ads which are not related to your blog.Suppose if your blog is about sport than block the ads about other topic like dating etc.
One of the other factor is the country.If your ad is being clicked from USA than it will have more CPC but if your ad is being clicked from country like Nepal than it will have low cpc rates. So always try to make your blog English-preferred and don't forget it to register on google webmaster tools.
The another best factor is text and image format of your ad.You must choose the right format for your blog Suppose g your blog supports 3 ads then place a ad of resolution 468*60 and other remaining of 336*280.
Mainly put text ad or both text and image ad in your blog because it has high CTR rate
This is one of the factor that affect your Cpc if your placement of ad .You must place right ad in right place according to your blog template.For ex- place 2 ads inside the post and 1 outside the post and as in the form of headlines and banners and others.
This is also one of the factor that can increase your CPC rates.You must place the ads which are relative to your blog or post. For example if you have sport blog and technology ad is being shown than obviously it will have less CPC but if you have sport blog and sport ad is being shown than it will have high cpc.So try to put ad which are related to blog and posts.
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